Does Coinstar Exchange accept gift cards?
I'm wondering if Coinstar Exchange, which is known for its coin-counting and exchange services, also accepts gift cards as a form of payment or exchange.
What is Coinstar Exchange?
Coinstar Exchange is a service provided by Coinstar machines, which allows users to exchange foreign coins for US dollars at the current market rate. However, it's important to note that Coinstar machines only accept certain types of coins, and some coins, such as silver dollars, 1943 steel cents, pure silver or commemorative coins, and foreign coins, are not accepted. The service charges a fee of 11.9% for each transaction.
Can you sell silver coins at Coinstar Exchange?
I'm wondering if it's possible to sell silver coins at Coinstar Exchange. I have some silver coins that I'm considering selling, and I'm curious if Coinstar Exchange accepts them.